Loved or Childless?
What Don't I Have?
We often want what we don’t have. Leah was desperate for the love of her husband, and Rachel was desperate for children. They both grumbled and complained and were envious of each other.

Key Takeaway #1
Feels of envy and jealousy might be natural, but that doesn’t mean they are healthy! The ten commandments even command us not to covet that which our neighbour has and we don’t. Instead we should follow Leah’s example after the birth of Judah, her fourth child, and praise God for what we do have!
Key Takeaway #2
Children are a blessing from God, but they are not a reward for good behaviour! In this passage we read that “God remembered Rachel; he listened to her and enabled her to conceive.” Judging by her ungodly behaviour leading up to this, I am sure that this was an unmerited blessing, despite, not because, of her behaviour.
So often I am tempted to believe that if only I obeyed God more, pleased him more, sinned less, then he would bless me with children. While there can be negative consequences for our sins, neither infertility, nor singleness, nor an unhappy marriage are signs of God’s displeasure. God isn’t waiting until we “behave better” or “learn our lesson” before answering our prayers. After all, the world is full of imperfect people who God has blessed with children!