Chosen not punished

Chosen, Not Punished

We can very easily equate blessings with a sign of God’s favour and difficulties as a sign of his displeasure. When I was praying about this last weekend a friend said, “Helen, you’re chosen, not punished.” Whatever my purpose is God has chosen me and he is with me every step of the way, and I am grateful for that.

Never Give Up Hope

When We’ve Given Up Hope

I had all but given up hope for my squash seedlings, so imagine my surprise when they kept sprouting everywhere! I was left with more than my garden could contain. What a reminder to me, that God can take our dried up, dead and discarded dreams, and breathe life into them.

Surrender control

Surrender Control

Being In Control I like being in control! I feel in control of most areas of my life, but there are some things we have zero control over: the weather, what other people think of us, and has been increasingly evident, whether I get pregnant or not! We also can’t Read more…

Hope Deferred

Hope Deferred

Proverbs 13:12 says that hope deferred makes the heart sick. So should we stop hoping? How should we react when our hopes are deferred, or when we face disappointment time and time again? Here are my reflections.


Remembering Anniversaries have always been hard for me, maybe because I have a thing for dates so I find it easy to remember what I was doing this time last year, even without Facebook to remind me! When it comes to my fertility journey though, the anniversaries always seem to Read more…